From Dr. Noor:
I am so honored and privileged to be in the same category as a woman of influence with so many powerful women in our community. I was suprised when I was informed I won in the category of entrepreneur. One usually doesn’t associate a medical practitioner with entrepreneur, but more than ever now it is important for all medical practitioners to consider themselves entrepreneurs to navigate the healthcare system we currently live in. No one person can ever be successful without an amazing team behind them. I am so grateful for the BEVSA and AccessCare employees at the practice who make every day so much fun. We enjoy taking care of our patients and love working with one another--bringing out the best in each other each day.
Special thank you to my friends and family who took the time to support me and celebrate with me. I love you all!
#womanofinfluence #buffalo #vascularsugery #vascularsurgeonbuffalo