Read the latest medical and practice news releases from AccessCare.
Whether it be speaking at conferences, educating healthcare workers and patients, or wearing Buffalo Bills gear, there is always something exciting going on with our team at AccessCare.
Dr. Noor recently presented at the Alabama Vascular Society Annual Meeting from August 18-20.
Dr. Sonya Noor, along with other esteemed faculty, provided insight into building a medical practice and developing a business as part of this national course hosted by Silk Road Medical.
AccessCare's Dr. Sonya Noor and other experts in the field of vascular surgery from the US and around the world attended the Senior Medical Council for Boston Scientific, providing insight into the state of Peripheral Intervention technologies and devices.
As a highly respected endovascular surgeon, Dr. Noor provides expert insight on "Three Keys to Meaningful Improvement in Amputation Prevention" for Endovascular Today.
It was my pleasure to present ( Al be it ) remotely to American College of Cardiology( ACC) about venue of care OBL/ ASC Vs Hospital with Dr’s Sahil Parikh, George Mathews, Mac Ansari to mention a few.
Our core values and attributes are at the centre of the specialized and efficient care we provide here at AccessCare.
Patients always love finding ways to thank our hard-working staff.
Dr. Noor sheds light on the specific complications that women can have during aneurysm repair and how these problems can be solved with medical devices and research tailored towards women.
As a small practice, we are so thankful for our dedicated medical assistants that are always going above and beyond for our team and patients.